Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 With English Subtitles

Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 With English Subtitles

Saladin, who went to Gaza to save the Alps, was captured. While Gregor and Victoria intend to kill Saladin, Avram wants to learn the secrets of the Zangi State from Saladin.

With the secrets he received from Saladin, he will neutralize Zangi State and establish the Kingdom without any obstacles. Saladin, who was captured and tortured, did not say a word to Abram.

Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 With English Subtitles

No matter what happens, he will save him from here and find out where the great strength of Abram, whom he knew from the beginning to be a Jew, came from. Avram threatens to attack Saladin’s tr!be. Saladin will either give up the secrets of the state, or Gregor will burn his tr!be to ashes.

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When Saladin’s capture puts his tr!be in great danger, Sultan Nuruddin decides to go to Gaza to rescue Saladin. But Gregor’s threat leaves him with a huge dilemma.

Sultan Nureddin will either abolish the tr!be founded by Saladin or see his death.

Sultan Nureddin, who is in a great impasse, is thinking about Saladin on the one hand, and is being pressured by Movdud on the other hand. Mevdud, who didn’t want to build a tr!be from the beginning, saw Salaheddin’s situation as an opportunity and continues his games through Karategin.

The Ayyubids, who took shelter to protect the camp built by Saladin at the cost of their lives, on the one hand resisted Mawdud and Karategin, and on the other hand began to prepare against a possible raid by the Crusaders.

Will Avram, who tried to make Saladin talk with torture and threats, get what he wants? #Will Gregor move to raid the camp and destroy Saladin’s camp?

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