Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 24 With English Subtitles

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 24 With English Subtitles

Saladin captured Mawdud and was able to confront Bernard as a result of the trap Bernard set. Bernard manages to escape Saladin’s clutches with an unexpected move.

Saladin goes without Bernard to the government and Sultan Nur al-Din. His goal is to try to stop the government by speaking favorably.

Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 24 With English Subtitles

Maudud confesses to his crimes. But the government does not accept Maudud’s testimony. He also insists on fighting. At the point where war is inevitable, a transformation occurs that convinces the government. Caratgin enters with Gerard.

The government realizes that the killer is Iltutmish Bernard. He directs all his anger at Bernard.

After eliminating the threat to the government, Saladin and Sultan Nur al-Din turn to Gaza. But an unexpected development blocks their path. Victoria, aware that the government’s hostility toward Bernard will spread to her, decides to give the government the Gaza she holds.

The government is now against Saladin again! Because Saladin knew very well that the Crusaders were not trusted. Can the government that took over Gaza with its political savvy take its revenge on Bernard?

How does Bernard, who has escaped, take back Gaza?

What will Sultan Nooruddin do against Mawlid, whose tricks are obvious? On top of all that, can he overcome the traps of Bernard, who again steps into action to conquer Gaza?

Will Sultan Nuruddin be able to overthrow Maudood and end the duality within the government? Can Damascus, the capital of the country that was reduced to rubble in the hands of Saladin and Bernard, be recaptured?

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After eliminating the threat to the government, Saladin and Sultan Nur al-Din turn to Gaza. But an unexpected development blocks their path. Victoria, aware that the government’s hostility toward Bernard will spread to her, decides to give the government the Gaza she holds.